Friday, February 13, 2009

It all started with my bright idea...

So this is the before picture - before Ryan and I
turned our heads for just a moment and
unknowingly left a very curious 4 year old with a
pair of clippers -

I had deceided that Miley needed a haircut
because her hair had gotten pretty long and
matted despite my best efforts to wash and brush her all the time. So, I deceided to try a "do-it-yourself" haircut. I would not recommed trying to give your dog a haircut. To say the least, Miley's once 4 inch long hair is not a whole 1/4" long! I had to take her to a real groomer today to fix my blunder! Poor Miley!

And this is what happens when you turn your head for a few seconds to read the stupid directions on how to work the darn trimmer! I gues I am 2 for 2 on my kids giving themselves a haircut! At least it will grow faster than Madison's hair took. But in the meantime, WOW, I guess I'll be cancelling his 4 year old birthday pictures for next week!


Chrissy and Jason said...

Love it! How is he doing?

The Montoyas said...

LOL!!! I think that is something every kid must do!

Unknown said...

SOO funny, although I can only imagine your surprise...definitely not a good one. Well, Mike said just buzz his head and the spikes will grown back soon...anyways, love you all and thanks for a good laugh.